Pumpkin Pizzelle (Gluten Free)

Pumpkin Pizzelle (Gluten Free)

These lovely gluten free pumpkin pizzelle we baked using #dash mini pizzelle maker and QUeen Milling SUPERFINE White Rice Flour.


1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup pumpkin puree (not pie fill)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup QM SUPERFINE White Rice Flour (sifted)

1 tsp baking powder

2 tsp pumpkin pie spice


Melt butter, set aside to cool.

In a large bowl, whisk egg, pumpkin, sugar and vanilla.  Then add cooled butter and whisk until well blended.

Add sifted flour, baking powder and pumpkin pie spice.  Mix with a wooden spoon until well combined.  Let batter sit for 10 minutes.  

Preheat your pizzelle iron.  (We use a mini #dash pizzelle iron.) 

Take a tablespoon of batter and roll into a ball and place in the centre of your pizzelle iron.  Gently push down on the lid to close completely.

Cook until your iron has indicated that cooking has completed.  Remove hot pizzelle from the iron and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Enjoy and Happy Baking!


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